Saturday, 13 July 2019

Funding Society : My First Investment in Peer to Peer Platform - SCT Investment

There are plenty of Peer to Peer platform in Malaysia, I had choose Funding Society as my first investment in Peer to Peer Platform, however, I would diversify my investment into few platforms to minimize the risk. I had start my investment from June 2019. Below are some tips. 

  • Register as a Funding Societies investor. Share your referral code with your friend, code can be found when you login. Ensure your friend inputs your referral code when they register. Both your friend and you will earn RM50 each when they each invest RM1,000 collectively across investments. If you have no friend with funding society now, below are my referral code. Key in the referral code when you sign up as investor.
          My referral code : jwu41agi

  • You can access the Auto Investment function by clicking your name on the top right corner, and select "Setting" from the drop-down menu. After which, select "Auto Investment" from the menu on the left hand side of the page. Click on the green "New" button to add an auto investment preference. 

Funding Type

Select "Business Term Loan", "Invoice Financing" or "Property-based Secured Loan" from the drop down menu.

Interest Rate and Tenor

You will be prompted for your preference of loans to be invested in, which includes the period of tenor and interest rates.


Amount Range

You will also need to specify the auto-investment range which you are comfortable with. The amounts you can set as your minimum and maximum auto-investment amount will depend on your loyalty tier.
(Note: If the minimum investment limit is higher than the maximum auto-investment amount you have selected, you will not be included in the auto-investment.)

Exhaust Balance

You have the option of enabling your auto-invest bot to exhaust your available balance, if it should ever fall below the specified auto-investment range that you set. However, this will only be possible if your balance also falls within the minimum and maximum investment limits of the loan.

Here are the different scenarios that can happen, with your selected auto-invest range and option to exhaust your balance:

As of July 2019, my annualised portfolio return is 12.72%. Presently, I have 10 ongoing investment deals worth a total of RM 14,000.00. From it, my expected returns are estimated to be a total of RM 1,116.33, assuming ‘no defaults’ from my other borrowers.

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